Posted in Car Accident
Car Accident Fault
Trying to decide who or what is at fault in a car accident is a multi-step, complex process. This experience often involves flared tempers, finger-pointing, and exhaustion for all parties involved. The best way to mitigate the stress from this process is to have a better understanding of which details you will need to communicate to an experienced car accident lawyer.
What Were the Conditions for the Accident?
Make note of any weather conditions that could have played a role in the car accident. Include the time of day; was it dark at night or was the sun very bright and glaring or was it somewhere in between?
When Did the Accident Happen?
Pay attention to the exact time and make a note if it was near a time that includes distractions for drivers. Was it during the morning commute? Was it during the afternoon rush hour? Did the accident occur on a weekend, later in the evening?
Where Did the Accident Happen?
If you were at a busy intersection where many accidents occur, that is worth mentioning. Was your vision obstructed by a bush or another parked car? Did this accident happen on a one-way road with which you were not familiar?
How Did the Accident Happen?
This is often the most difficult question to answer. The truth is, no one wants to be in an accident. No one wants to risk injury to self, another person or people, or any property. Sometimes, however, if you think very carefully, you might be able to piece together some series of events that may explain how the accident occurred. Working to identify some working sequence of events will help your lawyer help you.
Why Does it Matter What State I Live In?
Twelve of the United States are ‘no-fault’ or choice or tort liability insurance states. This means that you file your claim with your own insurance that you are required to keep for yourself. An experienced lawyer will be able to discuss your options with you if you live in one of these states.
Even if you live in one of the other states, it is still recommended that you work with an expert lawyer. If you are partially responsible for the car accident and you are in an ‘at-fault’ state, you will surely need the help of counsel to ensure that you receive the best representation possible.
Call an experienced car accident lawyer, like The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt, to schedule a consultation. Share these details and let them unravel the mystery of who was really at fault for your car accident.