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September 14, 2018

Can I bring a lawsuit for a dog bite injury?

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Posted in Dog Bites, Personal Injury

From scars and severe lacerations to fear and anxiety, the effects of dog bite injuries can be traumatic and can result in long-term physical and emotional damage. If you or any of your loved ones have been injured as a result of a dog bite attack, the law gives you the right to seek the compensation you deserve. There are specific statutes governing dog bites that set forth who can be sued and what the dog owner’s liability will be if his dog bites someone.

Additionally, you should know that insurance companies often try to exclude coverage for dog bites and may take the position that your claim is not covered by insurance. You should immediately seek the help of an experienced dog-bite injury lawyer in Tampa, FL, to help you fight the insurance company and get fair compensation.

At Jeff Murphy law, we recognize the physical and psychological effects of dog bite injuries and are prepared to help those who have been seriously injured by a dog. We can advise you on the best strategy for your claim and will aggressively represent you.

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